There is a Need for Civil Systems Engineering in the Era of the Fourth Industria
דר' אביגדור זוננשיין
Civil engineering is a disciplinary discipline. Civil engineers are designing, building, and operating systems which need systems approaches and systems engineering methodologies for effective and optimal designing and operating practices. The systems in the fourth industrial revolution are including innovative technologies and smarts subsystems and components. Such a systems poses challenges and opportunities for the civil engineering discipline. It is proposed that the modern civil engineering discipline will adapt and integrate practices and methodologies of advanced systems engineering which fits the needs and challenges of the fourth industrial revolution era.
המאמר מציע אוסף של מתודולוגיות ופרקטיקות שיסייעו להתאמת דיסציפלינת ההנדסה האזרחית לגישה המודרנית של המהפכה התעשייתית הרביעית.