
Practicing Business AI in 2020’sחינם לחברי האיגוד

מרצה‐ פרופ' משה בן בסט

Practicing Business AI in 2020’s: Review of Current Status, Trends, and Next Wave

Artificial Intelligence - together with Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things), and Data Science- are quickly becoming cornerstones of the next industrial/technology revolution. The primary enabler for this AI renaissance are important algorithmic breakthroughs in data-centric machine self-learning algorithms that led to impressive performance in ‘narrow’ point solutions; such as predicting customer churn, fraud detection, recommending books and movies, alerts from a face recognition system, or EKG interpretation.

The next wave of business AI will go beyond point solutions and focus on ways to develop AI-powered products that support full workflows of business roles in a business enterprise. With such intelligent automation focus, we introduce principles, methodologies and techniques that will equip you with what you need to approach Business AI development as a new state of mind that goes beyond the sophistication of any specific algorithm. Machine learning algorithms are integral part of the discussion, but more in the context of being modules in a practical solution. Some guidelines as to when to use which learning algorithm are also discussed. Real life examples and case studies are used throughout the class.

הערות: פרופ' משה בן בסטמפגש און ליין, ב 10.5.2020 בשעות 15:30-17:00
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