
What is Blockchain and Blockchain use casesחינם לחברי האיגוד

מרצה‐ רונן סימן טוב

Blockchain for the enterprise is a shared, permission, distributed ledger (ספר חשבונות) that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.

The Blockchain architecture gives participants the ability to share a ledger which is updated every time a transaction occurs through peer to peer replication.  

Cryptography is used to ensure that network participants see only the parts of the ledger that are relevant to them, and that transactions are secure, authenticated and verifiable.  

Blockchain also allows the contract for asset transfer to be embedded in the transaction database determining the conditions under which the transaction can occur.  

Network participants agree how transactions are verified through consensus or similar mechanisms.  Government oversight, compliance & audit can be part of the same network.

  • CONSENSUS – means all participants agree that a transaction is valid.
  • PROVENANCE– means participants know where the asset came from and how its ownership has changed over time.
  • IMMUTABILITY– means no participant can tamper with a transaction once it is agreed. If a transaction was in error then a NEW transaction must be used to reverse the error, with both visible.
  • FINALITY– means that there is ONE place to determine the ownership of an asset or completion of a transaction. This is the role of the SHARED LEDGER.

Registration and Networking




Blockchain Explained

  • What is Blockchain?
  • Why it is relevant for our business


Blockchain Use Cases

  • Supply Chain (Letter of Credit, Bill of Lading)
  • Maintenance tracking
  • Assets Registration


Coffee break and networking


Blockchain use cases (continue)

  • Trade Finance & KYC (Know Your Customer)
  • Medical Records Management


Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Composer  and Identity Management

  • Blockchain key actors and their domains
  • How applications interact with the ledger?
  • Integrating with existing systems – possibilities
  • Endorsement, Ordering and Validation
  • Channels - Separate channels isolate transactions on different ledgers
  • Identity Management
  • Hyperledger Composer




הערות: מפגש מס' 18 בנושא - What is Blockchain and Blockchain use cases
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הפעילות בוצעה ב - 30/01/2018

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